So where to buy EURO 2012 tickets?
The answer is the secondary ticket market. That means you can search for websites selling Euro tickets on the internet or buy from ticket touts in front of the stadiums.
This post tries to help those who are planning to buy their Euro 2012 bilety right on the spot.
- First of all, try to look for fellow fans having an extra ticket. Professional ticket touts obviously try to make profit, but their might be some fans, who just want to break even on their tickets.
- Ticket touts often give let you hold the ticket in your hand. That's like a test-drive before buying a car. You can use this tactic against him. Show him the money you're willing to pay, not more. Let him see what he can get! (Don't give it to him!)
- Turn your back on him! This tactic is usually seen in markets when people are bargaining. Ask him about the ticket, then he'll explain you the position of the seat and when he mentions the price, say thank you and walk away. At that point he'll probably come after you and ask what is the price you are willing to pay for the tickets.
- If you see one tout it's more than likely you can find more of them. And don't forget, they are in competition with each other, so don't buy from the first person you meet. Search for the best price and even tell one tout what price he's colleague gave to you. (At this point you're free to lie.)
- As the start of the event gets closer, the tout has less time and less chance to sell his tickets so he will agree to get less money for them to avoid losing money that day. This means, you have to be patient and wait for the right time to buy.
Have you ever bought a ticket from a tout? Do you have any other tips that work?
The image is from ua-traveling.com and tips from askmen.com
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