Thursday, May 17, 2012

The official songs of Euro 2012

Have you already heard the songs of the Euro?

First the artist chosen by UEFA, Oceana. She topped the charts both in Poland and Ukraine with her hit Cry Cry. Now she is released the song Endless Summer especially for the Euro 2012.

Poland's official song is a lot different. The people voted for a group called Jarzebina who are a group of elderly ladies. The songs name is Koko Euro Spoko and the English translation of the chorus is:

Cluck, cluck, Euro is cool
Ball flies far away
Everybody let's sing together
Let's cheer are boys

I would like to share with you one more song! The official song of Ireland for the Euro 2012. This is a song written by Damien Dempsey and John Reynolds, The Rocky Road to Poland.

I think the Oceana version will not be a hit like Cry Cry or Waka Waka. Simply because it's worst. But the Irish version ROCKS!

 What do you think about these song? Does you country have an official song for the EURO 2012?

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